"doing good, and doing it well"

The Reason:


The Center for Really 

Neat Research is 

operated by the not-for-


Institute for Interventional 

Informatics (I3), and is 

home to the Pulsar Project.

The CRNR Mission is to improve quality of life by intelligent use of information and communication technologies in the fields of healthcare, communication, education, and recreation.









Camp Synergy is an opportunity:

  • To demonstrate socially responsible applications of  communication technology.
  • To provide a social exchange between the community and CRNR team.
  • To identify key areas where information technologies can be effectively applied to improve quality of life, for example in the areas of healthcare and education, and then to participate in the implementation and dissemination of such technological applications
  • To encourage young minds to explore science and think  about how to make the world a better place.