- Release Notes - http://openantz.com see 'Tickets - Bugs' for latest known issues ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-05-02 NEW or updated features: 1) Link nodes now connect to top of Rod topo instead of base. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 54) Deleting a node while using the Link tool crashes app. (fixed) 55) Deleting node at link endpoint A deletes the node at endpoint B. (fixed) 56) Tool indicator displays wrong tool type. (fixed) 57) Link nodes connect to base of sub-node Pins instead of the top. (fixed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-05-01 NEW or updated features: 1) Link nodes now support text tags. 2) Link node thickness (ratio) now set by mouse Combo/Size tool using R-drag. 3) Channels attribute mapping limits increased from 10,000 to 500,000. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 39) Channels crash while subscribing nodes when loading file set. (fixed) 53) Sub-Grids scaled when Pin being scaled with mouse. (fixed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-04-30 NEW or updated features: 1) Link node type added, connect any two nodes. - a) 'Link Tool' added to create new links using the mouse. - b) CSV state file uses new node 'type' = kNodeLink = 7 - c) CSV parent_id used for endpoint 'A', child_id is endpoint 'B'. - d) 'R' key (ratio) increases radius, SHIFT-R to decrease. 2) Camera now targets the center of sub-nodes, not just Root Pin. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 50) Topo/selection causes elongated cylinder. (not a bug) 52) Hide and Info tools respond to ANY command. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 49) Forcing Anti-Aliasing ON causes picking error at object edges 51) VMware Fusion with W7 problem with RGBA textures. (bug with VMware) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-04-22 NEW or updated features: 1) 'T' key now selects 'Tool' type, (previously selected Texture map.) 2) 'V' key replaces selection of Texture maps for images and Video. 3) Cylinder Topo, texture map and coordinates wrapped around like globe. 4) Rod Topo, radius uses ratio, scale_z length, doesn't effect sub-nodes. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 36) Camera moving in Examiner XZ mode with mouse Left-Drag. (fixed) 38) Camera only translates with keys after R-button mouse Fly Mode. (fixed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-04-20 NEW or updated features: 1) 12X faster texture loading, makes image animation load time tolerable. 2) Added Cylinder Geometry type with 'proper' texturing. 3) Camera mode auto-switches tool type to 'Pick', locks out all other types. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 47) Latest version won't deselect all. (fixed) 48) Selecting root pin duplicates toroid. (startup default now 'Combo' tool) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-04-19 NEW or updated features: 1) Mouse Create Tool now works as a Combo Tool: - a) L-click creates Root Nodes when background clicked. - b) L-click on a Root Pin will create multiple New nodes at branch level 1. - c) L-drag & R-drag moves and scales objects, background moves camera. 2) Tools more active XYZ Axes aware for Create, Combo, Move, Rotate, Size. 3) Indicators now grey out unavailable Axes. 4) Root Pin now displays as grey instead of red when sub-object selected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012-04-18 NEW or updated features: 1) Mouse Wheel now changes Tool Type. 2) Tool Type mode change displays usage Hints in GUI console. 3) Indicators change based on Tool Type and active node type. 4) Mouse Create Tool now makes New nodes and R-click will Delete. 5) Mouse Alpha Tool added to change transparency. 6) Mouse Tool types added: Move(translate), Rotate, and Size(Scale & Ratio). 7) Mouse Picking now clicks on wireframe geometry as if it were solid. 8) Active Axes now effects tools: move, rotate, size and combo. 9) Changed the translate_z distance factor with parent topo type torus. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 42) Transparency shows black where grid background should be. (partial fix) 44) Delete corrupts the node data map tree structure. (fixed) 45) Sphere Mapping reverts to old mapping based on camera view angle.(fixed) 46) translate_z for non-torus topo with torus parent is off by 2x Pi.(fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 38) Camera only translates with keys after R-button mouse Fly Mode. 39) Channels crash while subscribing nodes when loading file set. 41) Selection-related bug. (possibly fixed with bug 44, needs testing) 43) Linux - Grid Lines are not drawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_16 NEW or updated features: 1) Indicators at top left of screen are now mouse clickable. 2) Select Active Axes by clicking on the Coord X/Y/Z indicators. 3) Select Mode by clicking on the indicator, Right & Left buttons. 4) Select Tool by clicking on the indicator, Right & Left buttons. 5) Several new Mouse Tool types are avialable. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 33) Linux version is not available for download (fixed). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_14 BUGS resolved (ticket #): 37) Sphere Mapping Longitude coordinates offset 180 degrees. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 36) Camera moving in Examiner XZ mode with mouse Left-Drag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_13 NEW or updated features: 1) Sphere mapping, press '3' to load example, Earth texture included. 2) Grid default segments changed to 12x6 for proper display of Earth map. 3) Improvements to the Mode and Tool behaviour. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 29) Docs using LF line ending in the .txt files instead of CRLF. (fixed) 31) Camera is frozen and cannot be moved by mouse or keyboard. (fixed) 35) HUD elements hard to see with alternate transparency modes. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 27) Linux logs out if no pin-nodes in the scene. 33) Linux version is not available for download. 34) OSX version is not available for download. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_11 NEW or updated features: 1) Indicators display coords with active axes, scale and mouse tool mode. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 30) Camera Mode drops out into Pin Mode if an object clicked. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 31) Camera is frozen and cannot be moved by mouse or keyboard. (can't repeat) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_10 NEW or updated features: 1) IO Channels docs are in progress, see the 'Discussions' area for help. 2) Camera Look mode now maintains orientation after releasing mouse button. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 28) Camera Mode locks in when supposed to be in default Pin Mode. (fixed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_09 NEW or updated features: 1) Channels work, ANTzCh0001.csv and ANTzChMap0001.csv, press '2' then 'P'. 2) Camera mode behavior improved. 3) Default record_id URL changed to http://openantz.com/code/docs/id.html BUGS resolved (ticket #): 3) Can't Save Files using hot keys SHIFT+1, 2 or 3. (fixed) 21) Channels - color pointers not deleting from list. (fixed) 22) Channels - ANTzChMap000x.csv breaks with quoted field names. (fixed) 23) Channels - scale and ratio mapped to the wrong tracks. (fixed) 24) Channels Map needs to add support for 'int' data types. (fixed) 25) Node State File ANTz000x.csv header is improperly formatted. (fixed) 26) Channels loading files twice causes a gap in playback. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 19) Camera heading jumps when L-button pressed during fly mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_04_05 NEW or updated features: 1) Camera Look Mode, click Right mouse button then use Left button for Look. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 1) mouse mode locked in. (fixed) 11) Channel numbers exceed actual channel count. (fixed) 12) Channels are all the same. (fixed) 15) Channel ANTzCh000x.csv file crashes with CRLF. (fixed) 18) 'Info Tool' and 'Hide Tool' act strange when objects selected. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 13) Loading ANTzChMap000x.csv causes un-predictable behavior. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_03_31 NEW or updated features: 1) Displays openANTz.com URL in GUI console on startup. 2) ANTz000x.csv fields changed for Channels support (backwards compatible.) BUGS resolved (ticket #): 10) Channels NOT synced to ANTz000x.csv StateFile. (fixed) 14) Delete Node displays wrong node ID - memory violation. (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 11) Channel numbers exceed actual channel count. 12) Channels are all the same. 13) Loading ANTzChMap000x.csv causes un-predictable behavior. 15) Channel ANTzCh000x.csv file crashes with CRLF. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_03_25 Keyboard Command Changes: selection toggle has been moved to '?' key. 'spacebar' will pause channel playback (and soon will pause all animation). NEW features: 1) IO Channels playback from file is now supported: - a) 'P' key will load and start Playing the channels file. - b) '<' and '>' keys will change the channel of selected nodes. - c) ANTzCh0001.csv stores track data. - d) ANTzChMap0001.csv maps tracks to nodes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- antz_msw_2012_03_23 NEW features: 1) Expand or compact entire scene object positions using the Root Grid. - a) First select the Root Grid pressing 'G' (press until id:6 displayed). - b) then repeatedly press 'X' until 'axes: Z' selected. - c) now expand scene using the (scale) 'Z' key and 'SHIFT+Z' to compact. This readme.txt, the antz_install.txt and antz_cheatsheet.txt are now included in the main ANTz...zip 'Release' folder with the antz app. BUGS resolved (ticket #): 1) mouse mode locked in. (pending, additional testing reqired to verify) 4) Text Tags still display even when node hidden. (fixed) 5) Text Tags show box without text with object off left side screen. (fixed) 6) Text Tags shown for nodes directly behind camera. (fixed) 7) 'L' key - File Dialog can't be seen in Fullscreen. (permanent workaround) 8) Crash on App Startup - ANTz_2012_03_19 (fixed) Known issues & BUGS (ticket #): 2) part/​all of Screen Freezes, locks up. (see Tickets for workaround) 3) Can't Save Files using keys SHIFT+1, 2 or 3. (see Tickets for workaround) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------