====================================================== P R O T O C O L -QRS OXIMETER -CARDIOPRO ECG / GSR -RODNEY ECG / OXI / PRESSURE ====================================================== 1. Power on rodneybox computer and laptop computer 2. Make sure cable connector from rodneybox to computer is firmly connected into back of computer 3. Once booted, rodneybox computer should display the neattools banner and a socket server control file (contro-rodney.ntl) The indicator light in the top left corner of the socket server module appears yellow (3x3 pixels) Now, lets turn to the laptop. ======================================================= (A) START QRS PULSEOX 1. Start neat oximeter module 2. Attach pulseox sensor verify that sensor lights up 3. Click left green 'OXI' button on neat module (this will also start the rodney box server connection) Notice that the indicator light on the rodneybox socket server should turn to red, indicating that the laptop and rodneybox computer are now connected. 4. Pulseox takes 15-30 seconds to buffer data and begin reading. 5. Once data is streaming, press calibrate button and get subject to wiggle sensor finger for a few seconds. Turn calibrate off. ========================================================= (B) CARDIOPRO ECG GSR PROCOMP 1. Attach electrodes to subject, connect ecg, gsr Channel A(procomp) = ecg Channel E(procomp) = gsr 2. Start CARDIOPRO software 3. Poweron procomp unit 4. Select client (add client if this is a new subject) 5. Start session 6. Press green 'go' button and make sure ecg waveform is properly scaled. Press 'stop'. Do you want to save the session? [no] Do you want to start a new sesion for current client [yes] =========================================================== (C) RODNEYBOX 1. Once sure the socket server is connected to the laptop, minimise the neattool file on the rodneybox computer 2. Start the data aquisition program "Project170Test2.exe" 3. Place the mouse pointer over the [->Acquire] button in the bottom left (this will be switched on by the laptop control) ============================================================ (D) DATA RECORDING 1.Select the NeatTools oximeter window Change filename for qrs oxi data record, format: XXX-YY-SS-TT-Sfam.txt where XXX = subject number YY = protocol version (30 short, 20 long) SS = session number TT = task number Sfam = Sensor Family ( Qoxi | Cpo | Rbx | Bfgr | Vcam ) ie: for above 063-30-01-01-Qoxi.txt corresponding to subject 63 - protocol 30 - session 01 - task 01 - QRS oximeter 2. Select recording time with slider (2 mins) 3. Once data record name changed, click outside of text entry box, making sure insertion point is no longer visible after filename. 4. Make sure oxi signal is streaming 5. Select CARDIOPRO window 6. Holding down the left 'shift' key on the keyboard, left click the green 'GO' button in cardiopro. This will start recording data from the cardiopro sensors as well as the qrs oximeter and the rodney box. Verify that all 3 programs are running. (cardiopro = streaming ecg data, neat = record meter increasing, rodneybox displays status "running") 9. IMPORTANT As soon as the recording is underway, move the cursor on the laptop over the red "STOP' button in cardiopro. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING. The neat oximeter module will switch off both recordings when the timer is reached. The rodneybox will stop recording by itself. 10. When the recording stops, click yes to save the ecg-gsr record Enter a description for the session, ie. XXX-YY-SS-TT-Sfam (063-30-01-01-Cpo) 11. When the rodneybox stops aquiring (status="stopped"), press save data and use concordant filename ie. XXX-YY-SS-TT-Sfam (063-30-01-01-Rbx) Make sure to position the cursor back over the [->acquire] button once the file is saved. 12. Repeat above steps for each session task, incrementing task and subject numbers as required, and adding new subjects when necessary. ==================================================================== (E) BIOSCRYPT FINGERPRINT SCANNER 1. Start MV1100 demo 2. Clean scanner sensor screen of previous slime 3. Place finger on sensor pad 4. Wait and watch for 2 leftmost LEDs to blink once 5. Press CAPTURE on MV1100 demo screen 6. Wait for fingerprint to appear 7. Remove finger from subject 8. Press SAVE Use consistent filename , hence XXX-YY-SS-TT-Bfgr.bii, as per above eg: 063-30-01-01-Bfgr.BII (F) FACE PICTURE 1. sTAND IN DOORWAY 2. Get subject to stand against wall in hallway 3. Take picture of subject. ======================================================== (G) DATA EXTRACTION (G1) PULSEOX Txt files are saved for the oximeter, with filename as entered eg: 063-30-01-01-Qrs.txt Files are saved in ascii format in C:\Mindtel\neattools\NEAT-OXI accessible from the desktop shortcut. (G2) ECG-GSR [Select client] [Review session] Check appropriate recording for export, click [Export Files] Check ECG and SC channels, click [Export] Are you sure you want to export raw data from 2 channels in one file [yes] Name the file with the 'XXX-YY-SS-TT-Cpo.txt' nomenclature Files are saved in ascii format in C:\Program Files\CardioPro2\EXPORT-DATA accessible from the desktop shortcut. (G3) RODNEYBOX Files are saved in binary format in C:\DARPADATA on rodneybox accessible from the desktop shortcut on the laptop (G4) FINGERPRINTS / PHOTOS Files are saved in binary format accessible from the desktop shortcuts on the laptop ====================================================================== (H) DATA COLLATION / BURN TO CD Create individual folders using subject id# as the folder name in the DATA_RECORDS folder. Move subject data into the relevant folder from the various sources These collated data sets can then be burned to CD-rom Folder [ 63 ] would have the following files, (1 session, 1 task) 063-30-01-01-Bfgr.bii 063-30-01-01-Pic.jpg 063-30-01-01-Cpo.txt 063-30-01-01-Qrs.txt 063-30-01-01-Rbx.log 063-30-01-01-Rbx.log.dat ====================================================================== GUI DATA RECORDS [RECORDINGS] tab Enter information in the description field to indicate XXX-YY-SS--Ssor XXX = subject no. YY = protocol no. (20|30) SS = session no. - = all tasks are grouped within this recording Ssor = sensor type and name (Qoxi | Cecg | Cgsr | Roxi | Recg | Rprs | Bfgr | Vcam) In the recording urls, enter the filenames coresponding to the data records, following the same method, but including the different task numbers and file extension ie: XXX-YY-SS-TT-Sfam.txt SSOR family= (Qrs | Rbx | Cpo) txt can be = (txt | log | dat | bii | jpg) Thus, for instance recording ji1R00007, using the rodneybox ecg sensor, for protocol 20, would appear as: ID description ji1R00007 063-20-01--Recg and the urls in the record would list: ROOT Relative D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-01-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-02-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-03-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-04-Rbx.log.dat ... D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-07-Rbx.log.dat and recording ji1R00008, using the rodneybox oxi sensor, for protocol 20, would appear as: ID description ji1R00008 063-20-01--Roxi and the urls in the record would list: ROOT Relative D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-01-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-02-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-03-Rbx.log.dat D:/DATACD-N/63/ 063-20-01-04-Rbx.log.dat etc GUI data records will correspond to the data files as follows: 063-30-01--Bfgr -------- 063-30-01-01-Bfgr.bii 063-30-01--Vcam -------- 063-30-01-01-Pic.jpg 063-30-01--Cecg -------- 063-30-01-01-Cpo.txt 063-30-01--Cgsr -------- 063-30-01-01-Cpo.txt 063-30-01--Qoxi -------- 063-30-01-01-Qrs.txt 063-30-01--Recg -------- 063-30-01-01-Rbx.log.dat 063-30-01--Roxi -------- 063-30-01-01-Rbx.log.dat 063-30-01--Rpsr -------- 063-30-01-01-Rbx.log.dat