Protocol: A. START PULSEOX 1. Start neat oximeter module 2. Right Click Title Bar > Select 'Always on Top' 3. Attach pulseox sensor 4. Click left green 'OXI' button on neat module B. ECG 1. Attach electrodes 2. Start CardioPro Software 3. Add client and select Suggested nomenclature -Lastname: Subject -Firstname: 00n eg: Subject,003 4. Power on ProComp encoder 5. Start session C. DATA RECORDING Pulseox display should be above Cardiopro display 1. Change filename for oxi data record, suggest date-subject#-session#-measurement ie: for above 092502-003-1-oxi Change session number for each subsequent recording. 2. Select recording time with slider (1-30mins) 3. Once data record name changed, click outside of neattools module, making sure insertion point is no longer visible after filename. 4. click on cardiopro title bar. Oxi window should stay on top. 5. Make sure ecg signal lead selected on cardiopro. Display should show blank graph areas in the lower two cardiopro displays 6. Make sure oxi signal streaming 7. Move cursor over cardio-pro 'GO' button 8. Holding down the left 'shift' key on the keyboard, left click the 'GO' button. This will start recording both the ecg in cardiopro and the oximeter in neat. 9. IMPORTANT As soon as the recording is underway, move the cursor over the "STOP' button in cardiopro. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING. The neat oximeter module will switch off both recordings when the timer is reached. 10. When the recording stops, click yes to save the record Click yes to start a new recording for same subject, unless a new subject is to be tested. If time for a new subject, create a new client record. DATA EXTRACTION Txt files are saved for the oximeter, with filename as entered: hence the naming system : 092502-003-1-oxi these are saved in ascii format To extract the ecg data, start CardioPro file exporter. Navigate to C:\Program Files\CardioPro Select the subject number If naming has been followed, the session numbers 1-9 correspond to the pulse ox data recordings, hence [3][Sess0001] corresponds to 003-1 in above name Select the folder of the session to be exported and choose EKGchan.dat Press export Name the file with the same nomenclture system as for oxi-data ie: date-ecg-subject-session >> 092502-003-1-ecg This will ensure consistency of ecg and oxi data sets DATA STORAGE: Files will arrange in logical sequence in data directory,eg: 092502-003-1-ecg 092502-003-1-oxi 092502-003-2-ecg 092502-003-2-oxi etc