# ################################################### # # BIOGRAPH ECG / GSR - QRS OXIMETER # # P R O T O C O L # # ################################################### A. START PULSEOX 1. Start neat oximeter module 2. Right Click Title Bar > Select 'Always on Top' 3. Attach pulseox sensor 4. Click left green 'OXI' button on neat module 5. Pulseox takes 15-30 seconds to buffer data and begin reading. B. ECG 1. Attach electrodes to subject, connect ekg, gsr 2. Power on PROCOMP+ encoder 3. Start BIOGRAPH Software 4. Add client and select Suggested nomenclature -Lastname: Subject -Firstname: 00n eg: Subject,03 5. Start session C. DATA RECORDING Place pulseox module above biograph display 1. Change filename for oxi data record, suggest: MMDDYY-XXYY-MSR.txt where MMDDYY = date XX = subject number YY = protocol session number MSR = oxi | ecg ( for oximeter|ecg-gsr respectively) ie: for above 092502-0301-oxi.txt 2. Select recording time with slider (1-30mins) 3. Once data record name changed, click outside of neattools module, making sure insertion point is no longer visible after filename. 4. click on Biograph title bar. 5. Make sure oxi signal is streaming 6. Click on Biograph green 'RECORD' button 7. Select appropriate client number, or add a new one if new subject is being tested. A grey popup window should appear showing PROCOMP+ connection and battery status. 8. Holding down the left 'shift' key on the keyboard, left click the 'START' button. This will start recording both the ecg in cardiopro and the oximeter in neat. 9. IMPORTANT As soon as the recording is underway, move the cursor over the black square "STOP' button in biograph. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING. The neat oximeter module will switch off both recordings when the timer is reached. 10. When the recording stops, click yes to save the record. Enter a description for the session, ie. MMDDYY-XXYY-ecg 11. Repeat steps 1-10 for each recording session, incrementing session and subject numbers as required, and adding new subjects when necessary. DATA EXTRACTION A. PULSEOX Txt files are saved for the oximeter, with filename as entered eg: 092502-0301-oxi.txt These are saved in ascii format in C:\Mindtel\neattools B. ECG-GSR 1.Load subject session : FILE > LOAD SESSION Select client record, then session. Window confirming session loaded should popup. 2.Select: FILE > EXPORT from dropdown menu. 3.Select the data channels to export : 1:A:EEG (256Hz) & 11:SC/GSR (32Hz) 4.Select [X] Export to Excel (*.txt) 5.Select time from: 00:00:00 to 00:02:00 (for 2 minute recordings) 6.Press [OK] 7.Name the file with the 'XXYY-MSR.txt' nomenclature as per oximeter data Due to a filename limitation in biograph, files can only be written in 8.3 format so the date is omitted at this point. This will have to be added in manually data files are amalgamated in a separate data folder. This will ensure consistency of ecg and oxi data sets from thought technology web page:re:256Hz ecg export ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't manage to export EEG or EKG signal at 256 samples per second. All I get is what seems to be 4 samples/second: To export data from an EEG or EKG signal at 256 samples per second, you must ensure that all filtering options are removed from the display instrument settings. Use [Tab] to return to the display screen and modify the Data Channel Definition's Computation option to "RAW Unfiltered signal" (first option on top of the list). When you return to the Report mode and try to export again, you should get 256 samples/second. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Files are written to the toplevel directory of the Biograph install, ie: C:\BIOG_2 DATA STORAGE & TRANSFER 1.Go to the data storage folder in 'My Documents\DATA' 2.Create a folder with the date as a name 'MMDDYY' 3.Open this folder so you can check to see files being moved there 4.Open C:\Mindtel\Neattools in another window 5.Move all the corresponding MMDDYY files to the MMDDYY folder created in (2.) 6.Close the window 6.Open or navigate to C:\BIOG_2 in another window 7.Move corresponding 'XXYY-ecg' files to the MMDDYY folder 8.Rename all XXYY-ecg files to corresponding 'MMDDYY-XXYY-ecg' system. This will we know which file is which if they should get moved from the folder. Files will arrange in a logical sequence in data directory,eg: 092502-0301-ecg.txt 092502-0301-oxi.txt 092502-0302-ecg.txt 092502-0302-oxi.txt Once data has been transfered, archive and delete the subject data folders from the C:\BIOG_2 folder