[Commerce Business Daily: Posted in CBDNet on August 29, 2000]
[Printed Issue Date: August 31, 2000]
>From the Commerce Business Daily Online via GPO Access

CLASSCOD: A--Research and Development
OFFADD: Bid Office, SPAWARSYSCEN, Code D21B, 53570 Silvergate
  Avenue, Bldg. A33, Room 0061, San Diego, CA 92152-5112
SOL N66001-98-X-6905
DUE 083101
POC Bill Miller, 619-553-3445
DESC: The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego (SSC-SD)
  Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) entitled "Advanced Technologies
  for Human and Information System Interactions" (No. Number:
  N66001-98-X-6905) was originally published in the CBD on 8
  September 1998, and was modified in the CBDNet on 31 August
  1999. This BAA is hereby renewed and further revised to read
  as follows: "SSC SD invites proposals for research in the area
  of human and information system interaction infrastructure.
  With a vision of ANYTIME-ANYWHERE information system resource
  accessibility, this invitation includes research in the areas
  of language dependent and independent communications between
  humans and information systems; processing by information systems
  of human originated inputs and queries; agent-based or other
  intelligent information query formation and processing; intelligent
  and rapid, domain dependent and independent information detection,
  extraction, and retrieval; information and network infrastructure;
  and intelligent and dynamic information summarization and presentation.
  Also included in this request is research in the areas of information
  system infrastructure including networking technologies and
  architectures that support interaction between humans and information
  systems; and collaboration infrastructures and applications.
  Research proposals are also invited in the areas of human-information
  system interaction in distributed computing environments, including
  command system applications; innovative technology and component
  integration and corresponding conceptual design and documentation,
  including multimedia representations; technology transformation
  from R&D to operational and commercial use; and reference prototype
  implementations. Research proposals in the areas of technology
  visualization are also encouraged. Offerors are invited to
  submit white papers that will be reviewed to identify valuable
  research for further consideration. If a proposed area of research
  and the accompanying research approach is considered potentially
  valuable, and within funding limits, a full proposal will then
  be requested. Due to time and resource constraints, no other
  reponses to white papers can be provided. Instructions for
  the preparation and submission of full proposals will be provided
  with the request. A web site has been established which contains
  the text of this BAA, and instructions for submission of a
  white paper. All answers to questions and any additional information
  pertaining to this BAA will be posted on this web site as available.
  It is the responsibility of any potential offeror to monitor
  this web site for any additional information. The web site
  address is http://magellan.spawar.navy.mil/N66001-98-X-6905/.
  White papers are limited to three pages, including all figures,
  tables, attachments and the estimated annual schedule and cost.
  Reviewers will not load software or simulations in the conduct
  of white paper reviews. However, web sites containing concise
  simulations or other information not readily represented in
  the static format of a document may be hyperlinked from the
  white paper. Innovative approaches to information presentation
  are encouraged. White papers shall include the name, address,
  voice phone number, facsimile number, and email address of
  the proposing organization and the principal point of contact.
  The white paper shall also include the names of other organizations
  participating as part of the research team. For readability,
  most text based information should be in 12 point Arial, though
  other fonts and sizes may be utilized as necessary in tables,
  headings, drawings, other art, and etc. White papers shall
  be produced using Microsoft Word, Excel and/or Power Point;
  or may be submitted as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. SSC SD will
  acknowledge receipt of white papers, and will notify offerors
  whether a full proposal is requested. All white papers and
  proposals shall be UNCLASSIFIED. The government's preference
  is to obtain unlimited rights (as defined by DFARS 252.227-7013
  "Rights in Technical Data - Noncommercial Items") to the results
  and products of this research. Any proposed research that will
  restrict the government's rights, and the degree to which those
  rights will be restricted, shall be clearly delineated in the
  white paper. Evaluation of white papers and full proposals
  will be performed utilizing the following criteria listed in
  descending order of importance: (1) Overall scientific and
  technical merit; (2) Potential contribution to the SPAWAR Systems
  Center, San Diego research efforts; (3) Capabilities and related
  experience of the offeror; (4) Plans and capabilities for technology
  transition; and (5) Cost realism. Full proposals will be considered
  to be either selectable or non-selectable based on their evaluation
  in accordance with the criteria herein. Offerors will be promptly
  notified of the evaluation results for full proposals. Only
  selectable proposals will be considered for funding. Not all
  proposals deemed selectable will be funded. Decisions to fund
  selectable proposals will be based on funds availability, overall
  scientific and technical merit, and potential contribution
  to the SSC SD mission. Proposals may be considered for funding
  for a period of up to one year from notification of selectability.
  The Government reserves the right to select for award all,
  some, or none of the proposals received. Proposals identified
  for funding may result in a procurement contract, grant, cooperative
  agreement, or other transaction depending upon the nature of
  the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between
  the parties, and other factors. Prior to submittal of white
  papers, technical inquiries can be made to: Bob Younger Space
  and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Code D411, 53140 Systems
  Street San Diego, CA 92152, Email: younger@spawar.navy.mil
  Responses to inquiries will be by email or telephone. This
  BAA will remain open for submission of white papers for a period
  of one year from the date of initial publication or renewal
  in the Commerce Business Daily. It is anticipated that any
  awards will be for from one to three years and for less than
  $3,000,000 overall. Proposals should be structured accordingly.
  All responsible sources capable of satisfying the government's
  needs may submit a white paper proposal that shall be considered.
  Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) and Minority
  Institutions (MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and join
  others in submitting; however, no portion of this BAA will
  be set aside to HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticality
  of reserving discrete or severable areas of research for exclusive
  competition among these entities. Questions of a contractual
  nature should be directed to the Contract Specialist: Mr. Bill
  Miller, Code D211, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center -
  San Diego, 53560 Hull Street, San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Email:
LINKURL: http://magellan.spawar.navy.mil/N66001-98-X-6905/
LINKDESC: information pertaining to this BAA will be posted on
  this web site as available
EMAILADD: millerb@spawar.navy.mil
EMAILDESC: click here to contact the contracts specialist
CITE: (W-242 SN491223)