Though the sheer volume of information that requires understanding by warfighters has increased dramatically, the complexity of that information and the associated processing by computers and humans has similarly increased. This leads to the conclusion that for any complex phenomenon, the large number of relevant input systems and techniques creates an interface problem with exponential proportions.  It is therefore critical that technologies be researched and demonstrated for the representation and interpretation of multiple, diverse data sources, and for human interpretation of these data sources. Whereas filters and summarization (roll-up) might adequately accommodate the volume, no amount of such measures can help with the complexity. Consider the complexity of an operation represented as a polyhedron. The number of notional facets remains fixed regardless of how it’s turned. However not all facets are always available for attention. If a warfighter is faced with continuously understanding, and acting on as required the scope of activities represented by each facet, then a new paradigm for human perception of complex data and interaction with that complex information system is required. Research is therefore required to understand the physiologic carrying capacity of information in the human nervous system for sustained, volitional interaction within an experiential information environment. This research should lead to interface systems with interactive representations, with humans in some cases instrumented to enable optimal perception and sensibility of the experiential interaction with information. Traditional, display-centric HCI approaches are already insufficient to deal with the complexity and dynamicity of the information. They furthermore provide insufficient understanding to the human in order to accomplish the transformation from data through information to actionable knowledge.


Current research shows that physiologic mechanisms restrain the information carrying capacity of any particular channel; audio, for example. Information systems require the ability to remap cognitive and volitional expression to other channels in order to overcome the limitations of any particular channel. This use of multiple channels will enhance the sensibility, perceptibility, and express-ability of complex information and interactions in an experientially rich environment. This was the unrealized goal of virtual reality research.


However, what is really required are dynamic, contextually sensitive, interactive, representational systems for supporting time-critical decision making given highly complex information assessment environments. One approach may be to utilize unconventional spatial representations to more accurately convey the high dimensional nature of the operational environment; and to provide a perceptively (by humans) valid analog of the multi-directional (computer-to-human-to-computer, and human-to-human), dynamic information flow.


This paradigm of interface technology is based on new theories of human-computer interaction that are physiologically and cognitively oriented.  This emerging paradigm of human computer interaction incorporates multi-sense rendering technologies, giving sustained perceptual effects, and natural user interface devices that measure multiple physiological parameters simultaneously and use them as inputs. Biologically optimized interactive information technology has the potential to facilitate effective communication.  This increase in effectiveness will impact both human-computer and human-human communication through enhanced ability to express. 


Optimizing the human computer interface will rely on the knowledge base of physiology and neuroscience. That is, the more we know about the way we acquire information physiologically the more we know the optimum way for a human to interact with intelligent information systems. Research in human sensory physiology, specifically sensory transduction mechanisms, shows us that there are designs in our nervous systems optimized for feature extraction of spatially rendered data,   temporally rendered data, and textures. Models of information processing based on the capacity of these neurophysiologic structures to process information will help our efforts to enhance perception of complex relationships by integrating visual, binaural, and tactile modalities.