ENCORE, El Capitan Canyon, Santa Barbara, June 7-9, 2002



PAGE 1 (same author as Page 2)

Can we accelerate Human Nature?

è    Progress incrementally (not fast enough


Be satisfied with slow PROGRESS = practical


Sports team – Rally point for PTA



è    Freedom Lost

è    Freedom Regained

o       Freedom of Movement

o       Freedom of action

o       Consciousness & Level of Awareness

o       Personal Liberty

  1. Find a vibrant, influential entity
  2. Describe >6 resultant capabilities
  3. Standby/be available to assist in perpetuation & sustainment



-         Technology Change Physiology


Rapid Situational Awareness

è    Change mammalian neurobehavior plasticity

è    Process faster





è    no, whatever is needed


Synthetic Intelligence

è    grow cultures


Think at the right level.


Make some Leaders


Engine to create thousands, not individual effort


Cyberconditioning (arrow through center of toroid to) ► physical space


Cybernaut ► “The ShipSteerer”


Join Up ► Play Games ► Solve Problems


Civil Protection & Security Requires Consent of the Communities



Gaming NooSphere             (comprehending)             InfoSphere             (comprehending)             Data


“Grow” cultures ►morph behavior


from Visualization comes Variance and Speciation, more/less Interoperability


Insert scanned drawing,

è    from pirate enclaves and cyberutopias

è    through Influence? Disruptive Constructive

è    to Civil Protection over SUSTAIN LIBERTY founded on Readiness

è    emergency public information


END Page 1

Page 2



Active Participation



Intelligent Technology

Mike Kramer

“Nerds in Dilbert space”


Tom Miner ► Problems with Volunteers ► Special Forces Model


How do you make Joe Six-Pack Feel the need for Training?

è    responsibility of American Citizen

è    vs

è    Right of American Citizen




Intercross drawing of sectors – Civ / .gov / .org (NGO, etc.) / .mil

. gov surrounded by:

è    NRL – Advanced Concepts

è    Northcom?

o     OC

o     SB/R

o     Vent Cy

o     Pierce Cy

è    National Guard

o     UNM

o     New Mexico

Civ feeds out to

è    NDIA ► SO/LIC

è    Nat. Consortium for Training

o       Community engineering

o       BJA

o       NIJ

o       OBP – exercises

o       2300 L.E. Agencies - Western States

.org surrounded by

è    IALEP

è    Ctr Ex for Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Preparedness

è    PSTRG – Private Sector Terrorism Response Group

è    big NO to standard hierarchical org chart







Who – Where Influence?




∆ Culture of County for Self-Preservation


Churchill ►

DeGaulle ►

“Don’t Give Up We’re Coming….”


Insert scanned drawing #2

è    from WAVE

1.      Agro

2.      Industry – Mass

3.      Info – Individual, communications

è    Through Massification vs. Individuation

è    Anti-groupthink caveat

è    Toward global civil society

è    Big emphasis on INTs


End of Page 2 (end first author)



To be ready, must know the community


Involves server backup to worst form or terrorism



GOAL: Improve Readiness



Issue:  Post 9/11 Caring








Cannot start new ‘boy scout’ organization



Sustainable Community Readiness/self-reliance



Forever Ready



Grow a culture – not build one









Strategic plan









Migration pathway



Leverage existing activities

Operation piggyback

ACTION ITEM: 1 month to email to Dave & Lois describing what we as individuals will do over next 12 months.



Art Chapman



End Page 3

Page 4, Vens Pohl


6/9/02 – What we should not do!


  1. We should not compete with other organizations.
  2. Therefore, we should not undertake demonstrations.  However, we should support demonstrations and any other efforts the N-CORE judges to be worthwhile.
  3. We should not make enemies and we should not blame other organizations (such as the “Government”) for failure to act/plan, for failure to support/fund, or for moving too slowly.


What we could (should) do!

  1. We should encourage, enable, educate, and support.
  2. We could reach young people through the enabling technology of the 21st century (i.e., the Internet, websites, computers, television, etc.)  N-Core could start a movement for young people that will inspire, educate, provide a sense of belonging to something that they can be proud of, and influence into them a sense of personal and community responsibility.


My action item (self-imposed)!

  1. I will explore the possibility of extending (or linking to) the existing NIUSR website (that we are maintaining for NIUSR at CDM Technologies, Inc.) to reach out to young people.
  2. I will investigate how N-CORE could through its membership contribute to this potential ‘Young People’ initiative, assisted and technically enabled by CIM/CADRE (that acronym is probably typed wrong!).
  3. I will attempt to lay out a plan of how N-CORE could successfully start and grow a ‘Young People’ movement.


Mi current concerns relating to N-CORE!

  1. That Dave W. is attempting to impose his (illegible) interests/pursuits onto the entire N-CORE membership.
  2. That there was no attempt during the entire retreat to create a COA based on the collective interests and objectives of the individual participants.
  3. That there are many members of N-CORE who will be ‘left out because they may not wish to buy into the project(s) proposed by Dave W.  The potential contributions of those valuable individual members and their organizations may be lost to N-CORE.
  4. That N-CORE may wish to assume a high profile (high visibility) position, when it should be satisfied to assume an effective, ‘behind the scenes,’ low profile, enabling position.  The objectives of N-CORE are to ASSIST, ENABLE and ENCOURAGE others (particularly the Government) and make these others look good, -not to make N-CORE look good.  I fully understand that such an altruistic interest is contrary to human nature.


Thank you (N-CORE) for providing (FORCING!) me with this opportunity (this weekend) to REFLECT and ‘change gears!”


Vens Pohl