The cradle of civil communications




Global resources operationalizing knowledge

Global reachback of knowledge




Theater humanitarian enterprise/exercise/experimentation/expedition 



Creating resources aiding democratic liberty expression

Communications resource assuring domestic liberty environment

Civil resource augmenting democratic liberty enhancement



OCC - Operation cyber crescent


Creating the cradle of civil communications


Sustainable civility


Support civil social eco technical systems


Create new opportunities for intelligent progress in peaceful coexistence


Concurrently site linked systems….


Geospatial distribution    temporal concurrence



Operation cyber crescent


Creating and sustaining civil communications systems


Communications based  civil social synergy  initiatives


Support out reach and reach back functions of CPA


Support inter domain comms


proactive synergy ops



Operation Cyber Crescent

“the cradle of  civil communications”



critical infrastructures are composed of public and private institutions in

the sectors of agriculture, food, water, public health, emergency services, government, defense industrial base, information and telecommunications, energy, transportation, banking and  finance, chemicals and hazardous materials, and postal and shipping. Cyberspace is their  nervous system—the control system



Concept of operations

A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander's assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. The concept of operations frequently is embodied in campaign plans and operation plans; in the latter case, particularly when the plans cover a series of connected operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession. The concept is designed to give an overall picture of the operation. It is included primarily for additional clarity of purpose.


– for the prosocial Comms centric –mission for the

stealth synergy strike force



Civil social cyber synergy service for expediting the deployment of socially stabilizing sustainable communications systems





Overall Intent of efforts …


Operational heuristics for net centric resources applied to civil military  collaboration for civil social and humanitarian activities


To interconnect all players in the field.  With multipath comms options for rapid stabilization


To develop lean ahead demonstration projects …



Operation Cyber Crescent

“the cradle of  civil communications”




Mission 1- cradle of communications




Map the  comms


Geo spatial map of all comms….


Physical and protocol layer,,,




From citizen to centcom…..


From cpa to wfp


From schools to cyber cafes




Mission 2 – liberty net


Civil centric interconnectivity


Concurrent linking to  multi sites ----Reach back to support sites….

Identify and establish links between Iraqi institutions…to a set of reach back sponsors…



Schools -


Medical facilities


Law enforcement




Civil authorities






Mission 3 – telascience


Content and environmental  sensing


Sharing and collaborating…




 Mission 4 – DMI


Mission  5 – stunt science


Mission 6 – persistent comms sites…


Sdsu viz lab




Mission 7 – civil security law enforcement






 Mission 8 –  parallel universe

Regional sustainable testnet in San Diego region to vet the tech,,,

 To be fielded….





Meme pool






Stealth synergy strike force


Cyber catalytic


Instigating peaceful communications…


Preemptive synergy




High performance philanthropy


Collaborative cyber social space…






Peace and liberty  through over whelming communications


Cradle of communications


Rock the cradle



Carpet bomb with comms…


Saturation and overwhelming comms…



Phased array of citizen sentinels


Civ int integration cyber centers 



Connect a thon




Civ mil linkages demonstrations and bonding centers






Fun finding  friend raising


Concurrent persistent multi link


Simulcast multi cast…..



Civil  - military  coordination







Comms int


Eco int


Civ int


Cult int


Met int


Sig int


Mas int


Hum int



Cpa int




Prime instigators…




















Leverage off of xii – deris - shadow bowl


 Burning man meets strong angel meets epcot meets rmi



Home land defense


North comm


Citizen as sentinel


Cyber civil sentinel service




DHS… as tolerable









Relevant resources











Support needed



Top cover….










Lift- transport


Alliance partners ,,,




Ability to get small packages of pre approved content delivered to specified coordinates on an adhoc basis…



Civil support access



Need representatives form all domains that are willing to play openly with us….



The ability to rapid prototype methods and locations specific adaptive communications tools…







 Cyber social


Eco technical




San diego state university – reachback site..


 here is how things are lining up


1- initial focus will Iraq centric efforts across several domains...

comms, security enhancement.. and multi focal targets of opportunity..

such as...

tele medicine.... law enforcement,  public safety ...


and other

"cyber crescent" emergent synergy options...


method of operations will be to establish and activate the core reach back

components, ,,,,we will use the sustainable regional testnet in san diego

in a configuration that will let us rapidly identify technologies and

methods relevant to specific efforts we will identify and engage in in



first success,,,

this morning i was in Syracuse and  got the upstate medical


telemed hub and emergency  med agree to sponsor a hospital in

Iraq for independent comms....


......more med stuff to follow....success will depend on access....



also san diego state will set up a 24/7 reach back site  to support the


"comms int" efforts of mapping all the comms and making that map ginny did for dod comms....but geospatialized for




we will also need you to get people to send us stuff to test.....




we will ramp up the tech vetting process in san diego...




talked with sheriff and cops they will also be willing to support iraq law

enforcement effort....


will work with all groups...  .mil  /com  .gov   .org....  .edu


(thats why i built the testnet!!!!!!)


too bad a it takes a war to get stuff like this funded,,,,




iterate at will




initial action items.;;;


get maps of  iraq


get names and contact info database on line


get zope and plone for each operational mission…


identify quick synergy ops and deploy them..







find homeland defense analogues for modeling and architecture


san diego regional test-net


sites…current sites..

fair grounds…


imperial beach




border patrol


coast guard










Public safety net


Public education net


Public recreation net




Specific needs


Infrastructure monitoring..


Emergency comms net


Cpa reach back









Cyber - ponic


Civil social cyberponics




Map the needs

Map the resources

Map the channels of progress

Map the environment

Map the demographics

Map the infrastructure

Map the dynamics



Consumption of educational content

Distributed knowledge resources….




Establish architecture


San diego specific activities..



Connect with law enforcement


Civil authorities





Coordinate initial activities in order to ground truth true opportunity


Navy   comm C3F





Pulsar…quasar….cyberarium….center for really neat research


Care a thon


Connect a thon


Communi a thon




Natural metaphors


Med connect


Ed connect


Civ connect


Eco connect


Cyber ponics

River comms…


Sea-river-oil route for comms…













“Mission link”


link all missions across civ mil comms..


civil authorities

citizen groups


a cooperative arrangement of organizations from across the country and

from multiple disciplines, all falling-in on a common axis and unified

intent for supporting public safety communications in cooperation with   

civil and military authorities for disaster relief and homeland defense


The Plan

Formalize an adaptive planning process optimized for operational utility


Operational utility defined – doable  and deployable



The Methods synergy sorties


l stealth synergy strikes Operations to establish




Do not displace other resources





The action items


1 establish a on line  collaborative site to support initial efforts..

-         zope plone 



2 establish a reachback site to support initial efforts

utilize  SDSU and TSRL


sdsu for multi int fusion  , map making , student supported projects…


develop academic support model.




3 establish a needs based, effects based technical vetting process

build and maintain   (or  acquire and retain) test bed



comms tools   will focus on unregulated bandwidth with connectivity to all others


physical infrastructure


personal devices












4 initialize contact with core


5 contact other sponsors


6 establish a realtime 24/7 persistent link between

CPA and DC area




Identify emerging tech convergence activities and programs


Identify initial players from
















develop a plan for building out the sustainable regional testnet

identify technical requirements for per positioning communications assets


civil munitions







rules of engagement


1 this mission is a .mil problem and has direct .mil support

2 .mil will provide access to all boundaries…of civ mil communications

3 . mil will provide sufficient support to initiate and accomplish mission




requirements for success



sustainable multi path comms linkages



logistic insertion geospatial access…










putting initial comms int together...


any and all comms info on iraq....would be great, .gov, .edu , .com , .org


any info on....


what was


what is 


where is it


what is planed


who owns it


who controls it



where are the need statements from the ground...



how can we plug in with out disrupting the system



where are the known "turf,landmines,ricebowls,stovepipes"




Subject: operation cyber-crescent




first mission of the stealth synergy strike force....



we exist....sorta...


met with ginny and terry r tonight,,,,


terry is willing to go personally on risk,,,,starting tomorrow

ginny is there to back up efforts if terry get nuked


both terry and ginny are taking personal risk ...and are to be

commended...and bean counters need to be ......deleted......


here is how things are lining up


1- initial focus will Iraq centric efforts across several domains...

comms, security enhancement.. and multi focal targets of opportunity..

such as...

tele medicine.... law enforcement,  public safety ...


and other

"cyber crescent" emergent synergy options...


method of operations will be to establish and activate the core reach back

components, ,,,,we will use the sustainable regional testnet in san diego

in a configuration that will let us rapidly identify technologies and

methods relevant to specific efforts we will identify and engage in in



first success,,,

this morning i was in Syracuse and  got the upstate medical


telemed hub and emergency  med agree to sponsor a hospital in

Iraq for independent comms....


......more med stuff to follow....success will depend on access....



also san diego state will set up a 24/7 reach back site  to support the


"comms int" efforts of mapping all the comms and making that map ginny did for dod comms....but geospatialized for




we will also need you to get people to send us stuff to test.....

we will ramp up the tech vetting process in san diego...

talked with sheriff and cops they will also be willing to support iraq law

enforcement effort....


will work with all groups...  .mil  /com  .gov   .org....  .edu


(thats why i built the testnet!!!!!!)


too bad a it takes a war to get stuff like this funded,,,,




more to follow


let me know if im on track,,,,,


.....thanks for caring about those whose life is on the line....

cuz...if not you...than who????




iterate at will


  Phase one of the Plan should be short (few pages as possible) defining what you will

do for the "proof of concept" out in San Diego, resources required and




Since you have already demonstrated the concept to Dr. Wells, I

think just putting that concept to paper is may already have

that somewhere. 


Phase two of the Plan should address transitioning that

concept to a focused sub-element to the


"Elements of National Power"

(Military, Economical, Education, Information, Agriculture) as you have

described below...


Also, keep in mind that I have much of the civil

infrastructure (Fiber step-sites, LEO,MEO,GEO SATCOM for military and



Public Telephone Systems, etc.) documented and that will save

you some time.


I am currently working the CIE Plan for JFCOM and if you would like to use

it as a go-by FOR FORMAT, etc., I will send it to you.  Keep in mind, the

Plans we make are always subject to change due to funding, changes in

requirements, etc. so leave yourself wiggle room to adjust.



Operation Cyber Crescent


The focal cluster for OCC is congealing around Mindtel(I3), SRA, with Aerospace given an invitation to join…


Aerospace Participation in Operation Cyber Crescent (OCC)


Facilitate further development of i3 and SDSU Institute partnership through the VizLab and server sponsorship


Leverage direct follow on to FairPlay, through the sustainable regional testnet model


Explore synergies between the Iraq comms saturation, and Civ/Mil comms architectures for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense


Collaborate on a rapid “tech-vetting-zoo“ readily accessible to the DC area


OCC has several missions

-Deployment of supersaturated comms to the civilian populace

-Develop a geospatial maps of all civilian/NGO comms in theater including both the physical and protocol layers

-Establish links and reachback to parallel coalition sponsors for civilian social goods/services/institutions --Support and enable local development of community infrastructure.


To sustain this as a long term effort will require

-Rigorous back-end analytical support

-Analysis includes

*Sensors data streams and network dynamics

*Developmental correlation and fusion for IC customers

*Emergent behavioral trends

*Activity patterns of both non-combatants and insurgents


How does Aerospace play?

-Utilize deep analytical capabilities that address end-to-end hard problems

-Produce the complex mission-to-efforts mapping and related trend/pattern analysis

*Collection of data will be on new 4 Tb server purchased in FY03

*Utilize available visualization tools available at Aerospace and OCC partners

-Perform rapid response studies needed to provide decision makers with actionable information


OCC desired results

-Stop loss of life

-Catalyze stability in the civil sector to undermine sympathy for insurgency

-Provides insight into stabilization TT&P using new techniques

-Leads to wider participation by other nations

-Applicable to other asymmetric threats


Value to Aerospace

-Expands Aerospace end-to-end hard problem analysis process

-Opens the door for other Aerospace technologies

-Participation in a key National dilemma

-Expands our partnership with I3/SDSU Institute

-Enhances synergistic interplays with rapid and sustainable results using open source data models



-Proceed with Aerospace analytical capabilities development and program involvement



Facilitate further development of i3 and SDSU Institute partnership through the VizLab and server sponsorship


Leverage direct follow on to FairPlay, through the sustainable regional testnet model


Explore synergies between the Iraq comms saturation, and Civ/Mil comms architectures for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense


Collaborate on a rapid “tech-vetting-zoo“ readily accessible to the DC area


The focal cluster for OCC is congealing around Mindtel(I3), SRA, with Aerospace given an invitation to join…


More to follow…



Here is that more…. From before…..




Liked the stream... here is one of my own.


the general name of the program:  Beautify Iraq


The general message amplified through every means possible (and especially

through acts):  Acts of Peace leads to American disengagement more quickly

than acts of violence


The subtext: Iraqis acting in concert for the best long term interest of

The country


Part I:  What does it take to create a civil society?

             - An understanding that rules matter--and an agreement to

live by those rules rather than the law of the jungle.

            How does one facilitate this?

             - You can impose it from the top down by force (kind of the

way things have been done over there in the past--definitely not the way we want to go) or

             - You can begin to develop rule-enforcement structures that

are apolitical

(Local law enforcement that is paid well enough to stay out of the

protection business) and

             - Develop the other fundamental support structures that allow

people to

have faith in local governance:

                         - Garbage collection and processing

                         - Water/Sewage treatment and processing

                         - Electricity production and distribution

                         - Healthcare provision (better than a butcher

shop please...)

                         - Social Education (Literacy and Civics) Provide

incentives for activities

that support growth of civic mindedness (Communication sciences, Petroleum

engineering, Tourism--disincentives activities that are potentially

hostile to others (weapons research etc.)


These need to be (or appear to be) totally locally run shows--the problem

is, as time goes on the protection racket business will get stronger and

our      ability to influence will get weaker. 


This leads to part II.


Part II:  How does one prevent the development of a kleptocracy?


             - You have to defeat those who would establish the equivalent

of protection rackets

                         Employ technologies that disrupt traditional

control mechanisms

                         Employ these technologies in ways that cannot be

easily coopted by the local power structure

                         Employ reporting mechanisms that break the

communication barrier

                                     (US) Monitor reporting to validate

reports--Many more ideas on this one (headed under the "Keep Iraqs Children Safe" Banner (part of the greater Beautify Iraq Theme) Publicize successful efforts to protect kids (removal of unexploded ordnance etc>)


             - You need a way to root out the bad apples with minimal

impact on the rest of the barrel.

                         Align incentives that help us (No lottery


                         Money is not as good an incentive as making a

legitimate living, getting married, building a family

                         My understanding of Arabs is that in general they

are capitalists--to the core. 


They are more impressed with making a great deal than they are with

pure    wealth. 

They enjoy the guile and cleverness associated with the bargaining process--and would rather do that than almost anything else...


Any strategy       should try to leverage this tendency if it exists in any

place other than my mind.

             - You need a process by which legitimate national leaders can

be identified

(Hard to do with tribes)

                         We might be able to learn some things from Ghandi


The problem with the Ghandi model is that he ultimately had to face down

the occupier--in this case, I think we would really like to leave albeit

on terms that make us look good.  This may be hard to do.



Part III: Spin Control


             - This is where we could use the most help--the bad guys are

relying on old-think (The "Lie Big" Strategy) Our strategy must involve getting the

truth out before anyone can rewrite the story.  This involves creating a

robust media beast that spins everything against the larger strategy


An IED attack for example not only hazards U.S. troops but also has the

potential to harm Iraqi civilians.  To the extent that innocent civilians

are harmed, the message should be that it could have been prevented if

only someone had spoken out (1-800....) or whatever the equivalent is...  After

some time people will start to call if only to avenge their relatives.

This mechanism needs to be in Arabic and reporting to Iraqis with Americans

monitoring follow through (or doing the clearance if need-be)


Why not create a top-notch Iraqi competitor for Al Jazeera?  Employing

Real journalists without the terrorist spin... Hmmm.



Part IV: Monitoring the Patient (all the "int"s)

             - All systems are created to be remotely monitored.  From streetside/rooftop surveillance cameras to wireless systems to whatever.

AI or expert systems used to provide alarm wrt potentially hostile activity.

Primarily used for forensic who did what after the fact--I think


             - Need to build an intelligible and coherent picture of what  

is going on

that supports USG, IG and NGO/PVO efforts.  Should give a view of what is

going on and why in as visual a way as possible (there are problems here

because... Bad actors, no resources, poor infrastructure and no jobs...


portrayed visually)



Part V: NGOs and PVOs

             - provide support as desired by them (to keep them from

becoming targets)

             - Bring them into the general plan (Who can be against

beautifying Iraq and

making it safe for Iraqi children?)

             - Keep them away from the messaging parts of the plan.  The

NGOs should

follow their own strategies and objectives.  They should not tied to USG

messaging          efforts.

             - Like the Iraqis, NGOs and PVOs are potentially critical

partners in strategy development--that said, the strategy for Beautify Iraq should

ultimately belong to Iraqis--it   is something that they ultimately need to

execute (It may even start as a jobs program of some sort where Iraqis are

employed by their government to do things like   cleaning roads,

marking off hazardous sites or doing other activities that facilitate the quick and

easy removal of hazardous materials etc.


End of stream... sorry if it is overly jumbled.  You can iterate/elaborate

on the themes above with Environment/Ecology, Development, International

Prestige, History & cultural heritage, Safety (addressed) etc. etc.



Interesting perspective, and obviously a needed meme to plant. Between

both streams of consciousness, an additional thought comes to mind; how

are we to, IRT track the success/failure of supersaturated comms, or

beautification, in a tangible fashion?

Just for funzies, I've started today, to build a monitoring environment,

to establish a visual representation of the distribution of efforts, so as

to link stability to OCC (Operation Cyber Crescent) services

established... Could be expanded to more "social policy" efforts such as you speak of. May or may not be useful/ provide window for US policy makers to see value thereof...