Master plan




Civil social synergy op


Civ-mil comms


Multi agency integration




Eco social viz tools








Sustainable Regional Test Network:

Collaborative “Shadow Operations”


CIV-MIL comms



Requested by


Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration)

Attn: Lin Wells







Civil – Military Collaboration and Communication For Post Conflict for  OASD/S3C3





The subcontractor shall perform post conflict civil – military collaboration and communication support for OASD/S3C3 ("customer").  Tasks shall include support under the technical and management direction of Systems Research and Applications International, Inc. (SRA), as well as tasking assigned under the technical and management direction of the customer.  All work performed in support of this program is conditional to the customer's schedule and approval.  "Written approval" applies to any hardcopy or electronic recorded and dated response to a request.




2.1  Civil  Military Collaboration and Communications Support For Post Conflict

The contractor shall research and document existing adhoc communications networks, collaborative tools, domestic event support communications, and operational and systems architectures as they relate to Coalition Provisional Authority Civil – Military operations.  This partnership between MindTel and SRA has the following objectives:









Focus on system methodologies that can be shared over public networks in support of a unified response to all national disasters both natural and homeland defense emergencies.






MDS - 12/4/2003

Phase IV in Iraq: A Critical Need


The opportunity exists to change the dynamic situation in Iraq. At this time, the coalition is not gaining an adequate audience among Iraqi civilians. They are being incited to violence by the rumors of coalition actions, Al-Jazeera and Al Arabiya propaganda and punitive reprisals for perceived cooperation with the coalition. As a countermeasure the to insurgency, a request has been made for accelerated field testing and deployment of special communications packages, to catalyze the development and rebuilding of social services infrastructure in the Iraq theater.



This period of rebuilding, the "Phase 4" of US military operations, is as crucial to a

military success for the United States operations, as any preceding phases. With this in mind, we are looking for military partners with the capacity and authority to enable the insertion of pre-vetted, specifically identified infrastructure building network hardware, and to support access to nominal bandwidth. The target recipients of this equipment are hospitals, schools, and Iraqi run police/emergency response agencies.



These COTS comms packages, put together in requirements-specific configurations,

and pre-tested on a currently operational government sanctioned testnet, would provide internet connectivity to social services-related focal points within local communities. Gradually, free wireless access clouds would be built in emanating rings around access points to provide cooperative civilians a means through which to interface with the international community as well as coalition forces trying to find key figures from the deposed regime.


Unrestricted, uncensored internet access will give a voice to the Iraqi people, while providing critical technical support and subject matter expertise through telemedicine, sister-school programs, and online law enforcement resources. US military goals would be served at a minimal cost, as a natural suppressant to civilian unrest and continued ill will, by providing vital social services support through the international community, and enabling locals to help themselves. When quality of life improves, and locals have a sense of ownership and control of their own destiny and well being, they are naturally less hostile and more cooperative.


Further, this activity is designed specifically to avoid interfering with the commercial interests of planned telephone, and internet service providers. The network connectivity would only benefit those pre-planned emergency and social services not designed to become customers of commercial interests, and its wireless access points would only be in operation until the region were stabilized. The US military authority would benefit from greater situational awareness, through both passive monitoring and active assistance that is otherwise impossible to gain from the local civilian population currently, due to the previously mentioned perils involved in cooperation actions.


The cognizant US military authority, and the organizations and agencies supporting the US led operations can only benefit by providing the communications links, the logistical support and the directed approval to continue with the operation.



A fieldable mobile communications system for post conflict transition period will be researched , identified and recommended


Initial efforts of this study will concentrate on immediate needs of the military to be able to effectively communicate with the civil authorities immediately after major combat activities have subsided


Efforts will be made to ensure that theater specific differences are accounted for so that a general solution can be implemented effectively in each command region














DATE: 23 Sept 2003



1.1   Organization.


1.1.1 Identification.  Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD), Networks and Information Integration (NII).


1.1.2 Mission.   The mission of OASD(NII) is to lead the Information Age transformation of the Department of Defense by building the foundation for network-centric operations through policies, program oversight, resource allocation, and the provision of value-added support.


1.2 Background and Objective. 


1.2.1 Background. Central to DOD’s mission is its ability to use all forms of traditional and non-traditional data and tools to produce actionable intelligence, and to enhance overall geospatial readiness and responsiveness.


1.2.2 Objective.  The objective for this initiative is to enhance a Sustainable Regional Test Network (SRTN) with the required connectivity to support the execution of collaborative inter-agency “shadow operations” that build or solidify local, state and federal relationships.  In the process, the contractor shall develop an innovative, cost-effective integrated systems framework for providing public safety agencies and national security entities a shared common operational picture (COP) for monitoring activities within designated environments and for managing a developing or expanding critical incident within the context of a distributed unified command structure.  The partnerships, relationships, new capabilities and methodologies brought forth from this domestic effort may be analyzed for applicability to military service requirements overseas.


1.3 ADP Environment.


1.3.1 Hardware.  The contractor shall purchase and operate a suite of computer and communications equipment required to support Shadow Operations and generation and distribution of all deliverables specified in 2.2.


1.3.2             Software.  The contractor will utilize existing and developmental software to generate deliverable products specified in paragraph 2.2. 


1.4 Performance.  Work is to be accomplished for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration.  Certification by the Government of satisfactory services provided is contingent upon the contractor performing in accordance with the terms and conditions of the referenced contract, this document, the approved technical and cost proposal, and all amendments.  The client's representative and the contractor's representative(s) will confer, at the specified progress points, to review performance and inspect work.  The client representative and the contractor’s representative may meet at the place of performance specified in 4.2.




2.1 Task Description. 


The contractor shall provide a team of multi-disciplinary individuals with communications, imaging, mapping, database, civil-military operations, intelligence and program management experience.


2.1.1  Contract Level and Task Order Program Management.


The contractor shall use a refined a set of standard contract management policies, processes, and tools that contribute to efficient contract and program management.  The contractor shall submit monthly progress reports and support periodic internal program reviews as directed by the government.  Appropriate subcontractor management, quality control procedures and risk management shall be employed.


2.1.2  “Shadow” Operations and Regional Test Net Support


Typical tasks may include: enhancement of a communications rich test bed in San Diego and establishment of a context for operations involving a partnership between the public and private communities that emphasizes networked sensors, high-volume data visualization, predictive analysis and emergency response collaboration.


The contractor team shall work directly with local, state and federal law enforcement, public safety and academic organizations, and other regional agencies in San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino County jurisdictions as required to develop innovative concepts of operations for deploying cost-effective situational awareness technologies, as well as the associated tactics, techniques and procedures for supporting a unified command structure during special events.


In the course of providing onsite support for special events, the contractor shall operate communications equipment and software that result in a series of products and reports that specify an event-specific experience base, a relevant suite of information technology tools, and a methodology to apply the tools in a unified command environment to provide situation awareness. The process specified above leads to both snapshot-in-time, event-specific reports that will be “left behind” and after-action commentary in lessons-learned format for future events.


Additionally, the contractor team will evaluate emerging domestic situational awareness concepts in terms of their applicability to ongoing Department of Defense operations and make relevant recommendations for innovative approaches to assist field commanders in establishing and maintaining improved battlespace understanding and situational awareness.


2.1.3  External Program Support


The Department of Defense has ongoing initiatives and operations that will directly benefit from Shadow Operations during special events.  The contractor work directly with OASD(NII), OASD(HD), DUSD(AS&C), and other government-specified organizations to identify such opportunities to leverage existing infrastructure and programs, and build strong relationships between parties to increase the collective value of such interaction.  Specifically, the contractor shall engage the Quantum Leap project team(s) and the National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue’s (NIUSR’s) National Consortium of Readiness Experts (NCORE) to find synergies between programs and leverage DoD and other agency investments for shared Federal, state, and local benefit.


As domestic special events are supported, new capabilities and methodologies emerge that are relevant to ongoing military operations internationally.  The contractor shall immediately report these potential “golden nuggets” and may be tasked to shift focus to such specific capabilities as required to exploit these domestic successes for use in other parts of the world. 


2.1.4  Optional Task Description.


The contractor shall, at a minimum, be prepared to conduct follow-on phases at the same level of effort, in increments of one year, for a total of three option years.  The initial task outlined above may also be expanded to support multiple government-specified public events across a wider geographic area.


2.2 Deliverables.  The contractor will be responsible for delivering all end items specified below. 


2.2.1 Status Reports.  In addition to the deliverables listed in paragraph 2.2.2 through 2.2.5, additional reports may be requested as deemed necessary.  The contractor will be expected to deliver a monthly status report that summarizes key events of the past month.  The report shall include as a minimum:

a) A narrative description of the task order requirements

b)       Assessment of the progress

c)       Issues

d)       Overall evaluation of the tasks to date

e)       Other information as deemed necessary

f) Contract Burn Chart illustrating hours, travel, and ODC usage on contract


2.2.2  Geo-referenced Information Representation and Intelligence Products.  The contractor will deliver a steady stream of custom-tailored geo-referenced visualization products based on fused, open- and multi-source data to add to the event-specific geospatial framework. The contractor shall deliver intelligence products for each event supported as directed by the government and the public safety officials onsite. 


2.2.3    Processes and Methodology Final Report.  The contractor shall deliver an event-based Concept of Operations (CONOPs) brief that describes the methodology and processes used to generate the products delivered under the contract, geo-referenced data visualization information, and a lessons-learned brief in PowerPoint format.


2.2.4  After-Action Debrief.  The contractor   will be delivered both onsite and to OSD(NII) to convey lessons learned for each event.  Each interaction with other organizations under Task 2, Subtask 3 shall be well documented and delivered to the government.  DFI shall deliver all required products that result from both the Wireless Engineering Support and the Booth Study Support.


2.2.5        Other Deliverables.  As directed by the government representative, the project team will attend other Working Groups, meetings or coordination sessions necessary to ensure the success of the project.  These are considered ad-hoc deliverables, and will be documented as appropriate to the situation.






a.  Overview. SRA’s Adroit C4ISR Center is building a technology demonstration facility (visualization laboratory, known as the “Shadow Box”) in the Alexandria office in room 540. SRA will purchase the majority of the equipment for the facility. SRA is teaming with MindTel LLC as the primary partner to build and man this facility as the focal point of a marketing campaign to demonstrate the enabling technologies for key operational concepts like Domestic Situation Awareness, Domestic Event Shadow Operations, the Synergy Strike Force (SSF), the Virtual Emergency Operations Center (VEOC), the Special Event Situational Intelligence Program (SESIP), data/intelligence/horizontal fusion, and other civil-military operations. The target audience is both military and civil government, as it relates to community intelligence, law enforcement, and community organizations and their collective preparedness and response to domestic threats, both natural and man-made. The military audience is Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and the National Guard Bureau, state Army and Air National Guard units, and Joint Forces Command (JFCOM).  The civilian organizational audience is the local, state and federal law enforcement, anti-terrorism, and intelligence communities. 


b.  Task. MindTel shall provide the technical expertise and personnel required to design, develop, integrate and demonstrate an advanced experimental command and control environment (Shadow Box). The preliminary design shall include a three-dimensional model of the room. The design shall incorporate furniture, wall and ceiling coverings, and other visually appealing elements to create a highly functional VEOC that will support Domestic Shadow Operations, SSF activities, and other critical operations. MindTel shall configure the designated hardware and software to support a collaborative information environment, within which emerging operational concepts and enabling technologies can be tested, compared, evaluated, and demonstrated. MindTel shall provide technical support to initial activities in the Shadow Box, and will support numerous mutually agreed upon demonstrations and marketing activities to the target audience specified above.


5.            DELIVERABLES. The deliverables listed below shall be completed as soon as possible, but not later than the dates specified.


a.       Shadow Box three-dimensional design – NLT two days after task award.

b.      Completed Shadow Box build out – NLT 5 days after SRA equipment order delivery

c.       Five full man-days of onsite support for demonstrations/marketing – TBD