

Conscious tissue meets global knowledge matrix






Perceptual perspective —all realities are virtual

Perceptual state space  -- what can be directly perceived

Perceptual modulation  -- intentional state induction








                      To grok is to perceive and comprehend some sensory information or idea.


 "Grok-it science"


Diverse sensory representations taking full advantage of the visual, aural, and tactile senses of the human body will extend perceptibility of complex information states.


By generating abstract "perceptualizations" of data, grok-it science yields rich multi-sensory experiences of information allowing faster and more comprehensive decision making over large data sets


A neglect of the multiple sensory systems of the human body 



Perceptually inferior preparations


Top priority in the area of human-information interaction



Create both multi-sensory and perceptually enriched information


Render simultaneous multisensory information to the human body


Intermental Network


An Intermental Network as the UltraScale computer formed by the linkage of human minds coherently and synchronously to tackle a single problem together


An Intermental net is a reversal of roles where humans are not users of computers but rather their linked minds constitute the parallel computer whose function is enhanced by interaction with conventional systems


An Intermental network reverses the traditional role of the human as the user of the computer system. Rather than the human as the usually asynchronous viewer of the computer's possibly parallel computations, we consider the conventional computer network as an aid to the parallel synchronous interactive Intermental network of linked minds.



We use the term "mind" to mean, "Consciously experienced perceptual state-space". Thus the concept of "linked minds" of the Intermental network will refer to the capability of the network to modulate a coherent (phase consistent) co-perceptualization across a number of individual "minds" for the purpose of synthesizing a collective intelligence that will influence future iterations of a computational process. This Intermental linkage will allow the individual users to perceive the collective response dynamics of other minds while these minds reach states based on the knowledge of actions of the whole.



Each mind having additional perceptual dimensions corresponding to either the state of individual minds or the Intermental net's synthesis of a group perceptual state. This gives rise to a form of quasi-self awareness, where the computational properties of individual units are influenced by the state of the whole system. We believe that this experience of co-perceptual processes will lead to the emergence of new computational capacity not currently possible with current asynchronous networks linking incoherent (sequential) minds.



The Intermental net can enhance split second decisions by providing an instantaneous awareness of the group perceptual state. Integrating this over time, members of the Intermental net are continually aware of the evolving perceptual state of others addressing the same problem and this can lead to better strategic decisions.



Maximizing sensory throughput and expressional capacity of the individuals linked to this Intermental network