Advanced Technologies for Human and Information System Interactions


SSC SD invites proposals for research in the area of human and information system interaction infrastructure. With a vision of ANYTIME-ANYWHERE

information system resource accessibility, this invitation includes research in the areas of language dependent and independent communications

between humans and information systems; processing by information systems of human originated inputs and queries; agent-based or other

intelligent information query formation and processing; intelligent and rapid, domain dependent and independent information detection, extraction,

and retrieval; information and network infrastructure; and intelligent and dynamic information summarization and presentation. Also included in this

request is research in the areas of information system infrastructure including networking technologies and architectures that support interaction

between humans and information systems; and collaboration infrastructures and applications. Research proposals are also invited in the areas of

human-information system interaction in distributed computing environments, including command system applications; innovative technology and

component integration and corresponding conceptual design and documentation, including multimedia representations; technology transformation

from R&D to operational and commercial use; and reference prototype implementations. Research proposals in the areas of technology visualization

are also encouraged.







Dave and bob  banter

Advanced Technologies for Human and Information System Interactions





read the review. several times...

WOW. I only wrote it once....



i think you  "groked" it

That is for me from you a laudatory comment


i will be on the ship tomorrow and in town until Tuesday

i will go to Syracuse and get with their contracts people to get a good

feel on what is required on my make this go smooth and fast...


I’m thinking to submit something in the next couple of weeks. depending on

the complexities of the paperwork..



.....r u around for discussions tomorrow or tue??

I'm booked through 2pm tomorrow. Free most of Tuesday.  








how do we build (language) the funding engine to support the function of

"techno synergy sessions"  where we bring 5-15 of the smartest people

together in a given set of topic areas and build cooperative teaming

arrangements with them,,,(more than just getting people to come and do

road mapping....and blue sky brain storming. report writing)




Within a cooperative agreement environ, "we" have authority to sub/hire

others without revisiting contracting officer. Read the language in the

sample. I think you'll think this is a good thing…….





i am headed back to Syracuse this pm


you said that you may have some fax of a good template

....any info on the form...esp. the $$ outline would be helpful



for the $$ outline, download the excel form from the BAA website.

Also the format for the full proposal. btw, no need to MAX out the page

limits. I'm not into bulk makes right.




To: "Younger, Bob" <>

Subject: Re: chats and running list of thoughts.....


we need to be the ones that say  "mind in the loop"

vs human in the loop...


if you get the mind ,,,you get the human.....

if you interface the may not get the mind


also ...

if you can cut and paste any specific text portions that you think we


focus on from the forms... feel free... team is gearing up for this....







I met with Jean Scholtz DARPA

last night here in DC. She's very

interested in talking with you regarding your work/thoughts about robotic

control/human cognition (including robotic mounted sensors, etc.)



that is where my team is creating the next iteration of our work on

interfacing humans to information systems


any particular interest areas that you would like us to begin to address



we will be groking the

large array of sensors...perceptualization problem


current direction of thought is in creating an

environments/technologies/methods  in which

individuals will be able to experience direct derivations of

raw and preprocessed sensor data


i will keep you posted as this evolves...






any info i should have in mind...

I think the scope of the BAA is sufficient to encompass your work in

perceptualization using any and all mental and sensory capabilities.....


i am assuming that i write a multi year effort

and we create a vehicle that was like the other one.. but with mindtel


Four years would be good. In the realm of $800K/ ....


Bullets from memory