Perceptual Bio-linguistics

The explosion of information in the bio-medical sciences requires more powerful tools for accessing and representing that information to those in the various fields supported by it. Consistent with our general concern for the perceptualization of information it is necessary that there be a new "language" for the communication of the information now available. How can the ever growing amounts and diversity of bio-medical data be better communicated? We believe it is through a perceptually enhanced linguistic that a much more powerful and efficient means of communication is achieved. Why a "perceptual" linguistic? Because our theoretical orientation is what we refer to as physio-informatics. Physio-informatics is the theory of developing information interface systems on the basis of how the human sensory physiology matrix best perceives and renders to consiousness data presented to it. There are better ways to prepare information for the eyes, ears, or skin surfaces than have been typical in digital culture. Below is a link for a collection of images which attempt to hint at what this new "perceptual bio-linguistic" might look like.

In these images, we are dealing with the problem of languaging the different levels of biological structure, function, and complexity.

