Interventional Informatics For Humanitarian Assistance And Disaster Relief

Dave Warner MD PhD,



3rd Annual Moscow International Symposium on Telemedicine


Moscow, Russian Federation, 14 – 15 December, 200                       






Interventional Informatics for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief


The Role of International Humanitarian Intelligence Services


Globalization of communication resources continues to expand the capacity for intelligent and timely response to complex emergences, natural and man-made disasters.      

This presentation will outline a new approach to optimizing the utilization of existing/emerging  open-source information resources and knowledge on demand services for International Humanitarian Informatics and Global Medical Intelligence.

Recent experiences of those responding to (and training to respond to) international disaster situations, such as conflict torn regions (Kosovo and Timor ) or natural disasters (drought, floods and earthquakes), have shown the need for intelligent information services that are dedicated to the response community… specifically for humanitarian operations.. There is also a need for International Humanitarian Intelligence services. The objectives of current efforts are to instigate  the initiation of a multi-lateral “information fusion and knowledge sharing resource” dedicated to servicing the humanitarian community. Such services would provide an open-source information fusion site for humanitarian actions. Through the creation of interactive information repositories and by supporting the active integrative sharing of data and analysis methods to solve common problems, resources can now be pooled. This “resource pooling tool..” consisting of distributed communications systems sharing information for humanitarian applications will dramatically enhance our ability to collaborate and, effectively respond to humanitarian needs at a global level.


Dave Warner MD PhD

Medical Neuroscientist

Dir. Medical Intelligence
