edge of know where/ware/wear...EKW3


general concept of the "EDGE"                      

"edge = experiential design generation environment"


an environment (set of places) where research and experimentation occur

for the purpose of designing interface systems capable of generating

an experiential interaction with information...




(every design generates excitement)

...even Dave gets excited......


the specific site where this all takes place could be

a "LEDGE"... a localized experiential design generation environment..


ledge...stability on the edge


this way there can be many ledges on the edge...the metaphor scales


..multi sites around the san diego area.





..or around the country or world


know-- knowledge needs of warfare/warfighters


next concept....an application bridge..


Meme links to application areas...ie what projects do we take on...

or what class of problems do we want to solve...or work on..


so now we have the "EDGE of KNOW WHERE" (WHERE/WEAR/WARE)"EKW3"


know-- knowledge needs of warfare/warfighters


so we focus on the need to know    


know where---- to know around corners...to know where the bad stuff is

                application of enchanted battle space


know wear --- physiologically optimized wearable net nodes ..for.






                generally co-experiencing


“know telling”



Know ware--- physical functional interface technology for experientially

                interacting with information   


Know Ledge


Know how  -humanitarian operations wisdom


Know way 


Know why

Know what

Know when








Enchanted communication operations …

Inhabit a sentient environment. .enabled to . prespond  proactively


IT knows ..through an up to date fusion of predicted emergent need …


Sentient ecology


Infrastructure for tel-aware ..


Couplers – cybercology



Operational pseudo sentience …


Cyberized sentience


Eco- environmental cyber opt


How do we tell it what we need…

How does it show us what it has…


How can we build links to it,,,



What kind of infrastructure can we grow...