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The vizwiz vizualizer is controllable via sockets. Currently neattools modules exist which transfer data from neattoolw to vizwiz. Look here for documentation on neattools modules.
Vizwiz is based on Java3D using the VRML97 loader, to allow nearly any VRML model to be used as part of the visualization. Once a VRML model is loaded into viz, ElevationGrid heights and specific object properties are controllable via a socket interface.
The visualizer allows loadable VRML models for the grid. The visualizer then adjusts properties of the grid based on an incoming data stream. The result is that an input data stream creates a visualization.
Build 15 -- 25 January 2000
- Zoom slider, a vertical slider at right side of window, let's you do things like this:
- Slider to control base grid level, looks like this:
- Full screen toggle button on 3D viewing screen.
- Reset viewpoint button.
Build 13
- Ability to display up to 5 independent planes controlled by 5 different signal values. See jviz_2plant.ntl example in the neattools documentation.
- better color controls over signal values. Changed from signals colored based on 2 colors to signals based on 4 colors.
Build 11
- Better integration with neattools. Neattools tells viz what VRML files to load, neattools and viz automatically synch up calibration info independent of which starts first, viz sends neattools DEF names of VRML file objects so neattools JTrans2 module can control objects by using their DEF name.
- Option to record with "pause" markers. The pause indications are provided by neattools using the JTrans2 module. See 1ball.ntl to see an example NTL file which inserts "pause" markers in the recording stream each time a space bar is pressed.
- Playback with collision detection. Recorded control over individual objects can be mixed with "live" control over individual objects. "Pause" markers can be continued when a live controlled object collides with the paused object.
Build 10
- Full screen support - under view (still has bug, have to click on bottom bar then press ESCAPE key to go back to non-full-screen view)
Build 7
- Fader controls -- allow height and colors to drop back to baseline level
- Noise filter -- allows filtering of all signal values below a certain percent (as calibrated) value
- VRML object attribute controls, works with JTrans2 neattools module to control these attributes:
- location -- JTransformer sends values ranging from -10000 to 10000, which are mapped in visualizer to -100.00 to +100.00
- orientation -- JTransformer sends values ranging from -360 to 360, which are mapped in visualizer to rotations -2PI to +2PI
- diffuse color (for solid objects) -- JTransformer sends values ranging from 0 to 100, which are mapped in visualizer to R/G/B values 0.0 to 1.0
- emissive color (for point & line objects) -- JTransformer sends values ranging from 0 to 100, which are mapped in visualizer to R/G/B values 0.0 to 1.0
- scale -- JTransformer sends values ranging from 0 to 1000, which are mapped in visualizer to scale changes of 0 to 1000 percent (i.e. object can be made 100x smaller, or 10x bigger on any (or all) x/y/z axis
- marker signal -- JTrans2 sends this to viz, and if viz is recording, the result is a "pause" marker placed into the recording stream. See 1ball.ntl for an example of how the pause marker gets used with neattools.
Below is a neattools screen shot, which uses the mouse to provide X-Y and signal values.
The visualizer shows a spotlight on the grid based on the current
X-Y location. The calibration for this area is sent over by
As the mouse moves, the grid gets colored. In this case, the
mouse Y location is also used to provide a signal value, so the
display gets colored to indicate a signal. The brighter red at
the bottom of the grid is the signal color of the data
control panel on the left of the screen. The purple at the top of
the grid is the seen color of the data control panel.
The next step is to add some spatial dimensions in addition to
the color dimension, and to simplify the GUI (Michael is working
on this).
The buttons marked give instant
views of the left, front, top, and right of the grid. The following are examples of
these views:
front view
top view
left view
right view
The wheels on the bottom and right are used for rotating the
grid. The grid can be translated in space by clickng on the
button, which switches the rotator control
into a different control
which is used for
The brush width control determines how wide an area is
affected as the signal passes over a location.
The signal height control determines how the height is
adjusted based on the incoming signal.
The Fade and Noise sliders are new with build 7:
The Fade slider controls how quickly the signal values fade back to the base color and height.
The Noise slider sets all signal values below the percent threshold (indicated by slider) to the zero value.