MindTel proposal



EVA – Experiential Video and Audio

A Stereoscopic Video, Binaural Audio, Interactive Common Operational Environment



Submitting Organization:


MindTel, LLC.

Dave Warner, MD, PhD. – Director

P.O. Box 8995

Rancho Santa Fe, CA. 92067




BUDGET:             $250,000  -  Complete EVA System 


Delivery: 2 Field Units, 2 Base Units





The ability to relay expert information to a novice at a distance is facilitated by interacting within an Experiential Video and Audio (EVA) Common Operational Environment (COE).  We have designed an inter-personal telepresence device that allows two or more persons to share a common view of any environment in 3D and interact via two-way microwave technology.  


The basic system utilizes head mounted displays (HMD) with two micro-cameras and microphones affixed to the goggles.  This assembly gives a novice user in the field a point of view (POV) of his environment that can then be transmitted to a remote location with video encoders and transmitters.  An expert at a remote location (up to 2 miles away) receives the same view and audio that the novice experiences and can interact at a distance by overlaying his hand, a pointer, text and graphics with chroma key (Bluescreen) equipment.  This chroma keyed image is instantaneously transmitted back to the novice in the field who sees his own view overlayed with the expert’s hand, text or graphics.  By employing a two-way interactive COE our EVA system can facilitate communications between novice and expert at a distance. 


Professional Affiliates:


Edward Lipson, Ph.D.            - Physics Professor, Syracuse University

Bill Rojas, Ph.D.   - Stereoscopic Video, Binaural Audio Technician

Tim Murphy                 - Electronics, Software Specialist




·        Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) – Physician


Initially, we envision deploying the EVA system within a field based EMT – physician, patient diagnosis and intervention modality.  Allowing for a field medic to have expert advice transmitted within his HMD provides for real-time assessment and treatment of any medical emergency.  For example, a surgeon could guide a medic’s hand to critical body areas and even assist in a surgical procedure.  Should the surgeon at the base station be unfamiliar with a particular intervention technique, the field medic’s view can be uploaded via satellite or internet to any specialist in the world for evaluation and assessment.  An additional feature that we are investigating is the addition of EKG and other vital signs monitoring equipment which will transmit a patient’s information along with the 3D audio and video.


EVA system can also be employed in a variety of diverse military theatre environments and assist in activities such as:


·        Demolitions

·        Search and Rescue

·        Ground Truth Assessment. 


The stereoscopic view that the user in the field operates within mimics the natural view the operator would be accustomed to.  Our micro-video camera placement on the HMD is designed to provide an image as realistic as modern technology can provide. 


We anticipate that an upgraded components list petitioned for in this white paper will provide for an acceptable level of resolution and durability to make EVA viable for military applications.  A lower resolution prototype system was successfully field tested at Operation Strong Angel as part of 3rd Fleet’s humanitarian efforts at RIMPAC 2000.





A) Assemble a high resolution working EVA prototype system Field Unit – HMD:


1) Attach and position stereoscopic video micro-cameras.

2) Attach and position binaural microphones.

3) Time base corrector (TBC).

4) Field-Sequential Multiplexer.

5) Microwave audio/video transmitter (spread spectrum).

6) Portable power supply.





B) Remote Location Base Station:


1) HMD – Stereo camera and binaural audio

2) Chroma Key Equipment

3) Bluescreen

4) Microwave audio/video transmitter

6) Power supply




Budget:   $250,000


Product                                                                          Cost                 Units         Total     

1)  HMD                      - TEK Gear PTV-k240    -   1,500   x 4               =    6,000

2)  Multiplexer            - 3DTV Model 500                  -   6,200   x 2               =  12,400

3)  Micro-Cameras            - SC WCV7-HG-C                  -      600      x 6               =    3,600

4)  Microphones             - Senheizer Lavalier                        -      300      x 6               =    1,800

5)  Transmitter            - TBA - Supercircuits                         -   5,000   x 3               =  15,000

6)  Receivers               - TBA - Supercircuits             -   2,500   x 3               =    7,500

7)  MPEG2 Encoder            - Minerva - Pub. 200                  - 29,000             x 1               =  29,000

8)  Power Supply  - 15 Amps                           -   2,000   x 3               =    6,000

9)  Chroma Key      - Videonics MX-1                      -   1,000   x 2               =    2,000

10) Cables/Cont            - Various                                     -   2,000   x 1               =    2,000

11) Electrician             - Parts Assembly/hr.                  -        75        x 160             =  12,000

12) Back Pack             - Custom Weatherproof             -   1,000   x 1               =    1,000

13) Porta Case             - Custom Weatherproof             -   1,000   x 1               =    1,000

14) Misc.                     - Various                                     -   2,000   x 1               =    2,000

15) Tech. Fee               - Consultants                                   -   1,000   x 10              =   10,000

16) Blue Screen  - 6-sided cube                                -      500      x 6               =     3,000

17) Microlights             - 6 Bulbs & Ballasts                         -      100      x 6               =        600

18) Contingency             - 10% of Budget                     - 10,100             x 1               =   10,100