Grok-It Science & Medical Knowledge Representation

1. Seeing Structure: Using Knowledge to Reconstruct and Illustrate Anatomy
2. Medical Data Visualization
3. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
4. Biomedical Imaging and Visualization
5. Toward a Perceptual Science of Multidimensional Data Visualization: Bertin and Beyond
6. Medical Image Analysis and Visualization
7. UCLA Medical School Visualization Lab
8. The Visible Human Project
9. Virtual Anatomy from the Visible Man: Creating Tools for Medical Education
10. Make Your Own Visible Woman
11. DIA Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center Ft Detrick, MD
12. Medical Informatics and Computational Intelligence Laboratory

Development of a Controlled Medical Terminology: Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Representation
Representing Medical Knowledge in a Terminological Language is Difficult
Data Storage and Knowledge Representation for Clinical Workstations
Symbolic Modeling of Human Anatomy for Visualization and Simulation
Representing Medical Knowledge
Medical Image Processing Studies
Data Mining Patient Records
Applications of the Visible Man Dataset in Electrocardiology: Simulation of the Electrical Excitation Propagation